Sabtu, 14 Februari 2015

How To Optimize Your Blog Strategy Phase I

How to optimize your Blog strategy phase I-Bloggerlamongan. comAgar blog You can be recognized by search engines and can get a lot of visitors, then you should do the optimization. Optimize your blog, as I alluded to in the article how to create SEO friendly article is divided into two types of optimization. The first known by the term optimization optimization of on-page optimization, and the second called off-page optimization.

On-page optimization is an activity to boost your blog's position in the SERPs is done within the scope of the blog itself. Some blogging activity that characterizes them on-page optimization is to use SEO friendly template, choose the blog title is relevant to the content of the blog, post meta description and meta keywords, etc.

Off-page optimization consists of activities carried out outside the blog optimization scope blog. Good on-page optimization as well as off-page optimization them both equally have an important role. On-page optimization can bear fruit maximal results in off-page optimization is also carried out to its fullest. To be able to increase blog traffic significantly both this optimization model of interlinked meetings between each other.

Optimize your blog for the kind of off-page is relatively time consuming, especially for blogs that have recently been completed, good for blogs that are built using the platform Blogger, WordPress, Drupal or any other blog platform. In this phase, You are required to be more active in order to present your blog to search engines.

Off-page optimization is identical to the link building (building backlinks). These forms of off-page optimization is quite diverse, but this type of optimization is one of the activities of link building. The backlinks serve as voter to help your blog came up as the top search engine page so without armed with adequate number of backlinks your blog will be hard-pressed to compete with other blogs, the exception keyword you aim for a keyword with low competition (low competition).

Although in these last few months Google often give you an idea that the blog or website optimization is no longer dependent on the quantity of backlinks of backlinks, the fact still remains one of the most important supporting element in hundreds of process optimization, with a note of such backlinks is constructed with the following conditions:

Backlinks from reputable weblog (not weblogs spam).
Backlink from blogs that have relevance to theme/niche with your blog.
Backlinks are one way backlinks (not a link exchange).
Link building is right, should at least meet the three criteria above. In doing the link building, which should be Your priority is quality, not quantity.

A proper blog optimization strategy is very important to get maximum results. In fact, the concept of optimization actually blog must You prepare the blog remote days before You make a later process optimization can be applied more effectively and structured. Other forms of optimization techniques that you apply will also determine the maximum sturdiness as a result, and in this regard I would like to emphasize to you that does not use optimization techniques that deviate, such as spamming, manipulatives, and other types of other blackhat optimization.

The following blog optimization measures for the newly created blog. You are not recommended to continue reading if your blog is already quite old.

Choose a blog title that contains a keyword (keyword).
Enter a keyword in the first row the meta description.
Create meta description that contains the main keyword phrases from.
Create meta keywords that are relevant to the title and meta deskrispi.
Use a lightweight template.
Register your blog to search engines (Google, Bing Webmaster Webmaster, etc.).
Submit a sitemap of your blog to search engines.
Connect your blog with social networking sites (Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Google +, etc.).
Make the article pillar (10-15 articles).
Submit Your blog article to the social bookmark sites (select dofollow social bookmark, PR 3 min.).
Election blog title actually should not contain keywords, but this can make it easier to search engines to classify the content of your blog, especially if the title and content of the blog is quite relevant.

Enter a keyword in the meta description first line aims to give emphasis on the main keywords of Your niche keyword, of course the viewfinder should be relevant to the content of the blog as a whole.

Maximize the functionality of meta description with the phrase. If you do your keyword phrases with very good future blog you enough potentially to occupy top 5 Google Search. This is because each keyword are giving emphasis on the primary keywords and content.

Create meta keywords that are relevant to the title and meta deskrispi. Meta keywords can support the optimization activities off-pag.


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