Kamis, 12 Februari 2015

Basic Linux Console Command

Commands (command) base on Linux run on a terminal shell commonly referred to as terminal or console. Terminal or console is known as the command line interface (CLI) that can be activated by means of the menu click Applications-Accessories-Terminal. In addition it could also work with pure diconsole by pressing the key combination ctrl + alt + F1 where F1 can be replaced up to F6. To return to the mode of Grafical User Interface (GUI) press ctrl + alt + F7.

Here are some Basic Linux Console Command:

login: to log into the network.

password: enter the password after login.

who: to know the list of users who are active (logged in).

finger: provides user identity information that is more complete than there are who.

Logout: to get out of the system or ending a session log

whoami: to know the user who is currently logged on is used in a computer/terminal.

date: indicates the date/set.

ls: displays a list of files in the current directory.

Description: this command will display information about directories and files.The simple form of the ls command will display only the file name. The long form is marked by using the option-l, which will display the names of files along with information for each file is displayed. Several options are provided other antra as follows:
-a: Show all files in the directory including the stuffing.
-o: Show only the name of the directory
-g group ID: print only for long form
-l: Show the entire file of the complete
-r: change the order of the settings file names has been compiled
-t: set the name of the file based on the last modification time, not by name

chmod: changing permissions of a directory/file.
example: chmod 777 nama_file

clear: clears the screen to work on CLI
example: clear or pressing the ctrl + D

CMP: Compare file1 and file2 and report differences
example: cmp file1 and file2

CP: copying files
example: # cp file1/usr/lib

RM: deleting files
example: rm namafileyangmaudihapus

MV: move a file rename ato
example: # mv renamefile1 menjadifile2

Cat: display the contents of a file (similar to the TYPE command on DOS). Paint function to print to the screen monitors the contents of a text file. If the file dililihat using the command is not a text file it will be weird karakterkarakter out on the odd characters can use the command cat-v screen is. .. To avoid tercetaknya

grep: search for a file in any directory
example: grep-n ' file name '/direktori

mkdir: create a directory
example: mkdir namadirektori

rmdir: delete directory
example: rmdir namadirektori

CD: change directory
example: cd/pathdirektori


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