1. id
Function: See IDs on Linux, either the ID of the User, Group, Device installed.
Examples of the application of the id command.
Function: see the name of the computer that is being used/activated.
Examples of the application of the command hostname.
3. w
Function: See anyone who is logged in with a very complete information.
Examples of the application of the w.
4. whoami
Function: displays the name of the Login only, without other information.
Examples of the application of the command whoami
5. the chfn
Function: change the information of the user.
Examples of the application of the chfn.
6. finger
Function: See user information that has been added by the command "chfn".
Examples of the application of the finger command.
7. man
Function: Describe in detail the command question.
Examples of the application of the command man.
8. apropos
Function: Find command – command containing the letter in question.
Examples of the application of the command apropos.
9. the whatis
Function: displays the function of a command are referred to.
Examples of the application of the commands whatis.
10. ls
Function: view the contents of a directory.
Examples of the application of the ls command.
11. file
Function: See extension/type a file is.
Examples of the application of the command file.
Means that file type .txt
12. Paint
Function: view the contents of a file without the facility to see the contents of the file from above.
Examples of the application of the cat command
13. more
Function: view the contents of a file with the facility to see contents of a file from the top and to the bottom using the Enter key for the perbaris and the SPACEBAR button to perlayar.
Examples of the application of command more.
14. pg
Function: view the contents of a file with the facility to see contents of a file from the top and to the bottom
use the Enter key to perlayar.
Examples of the application of the pg.
15. cp
Function: Copying a file.
Examples of the application of cp commands.
It means that the file is copied to the directory galang.
16. mv
Function: Move a file and be able to change the name of a file.
Examples of the application of mv commands in the move file.
It means that the file was moved to galang directory.
Examples of the application of mv command to rename the file.
It means the file is converted to .txt galang galang3 .txt
17. rm
Function: Remove a file.
Examples of the application of the rm command
It means that the file .txt galang removed
18. pwd
Function: See position of Linux users are where.
Examples of the application of the command pwd
It means that you are in the directory/home/galang.
19. cd
Function: Move directory.
Examples of the application of the cd command.
20. mkdir
Function: create a directory.
Examples of the application of the command mkdir.
21. rmdir
Function: Delete the directory.
Examples of the application of the command rmdir.
22. grep
Function: searching for words in a file.
Examples of the application of the command grep
Galang is the word to be searched on galang file .txt.
23. echo
Function: displays the text that made after the command echo and it is not saved.
Examples of the application of the command echo.
24. sort
Function: Sort a text file alphabetically.
Examples of the application of the order of sort
25. wc
Function: displays the number of lines, words, and the memory of a large file.
Examples of the application of the wc command.
It means that the file .txt galang has 6 lines, 6 words, and size of the files is 36 bytes.
26. the cut
Function: Taking a particular column from the input rows specified in the option-c.
Examples of the application of the cut.
27. uniq
Function: Remove line – the line sequence that undergoes a duplication.
Examples of the application of the uniq command.
28. find
Function: searching for files on an Active Directory.
Examples of the application of the find command.
29. which
Function: Indicates the location of a command.
Examples of the application of the command which
30. locate
Function: searching for a file in another directory that were not visited.
Examples of the application of the command locate.
Note: before you write the command locate, updatedb command write. Wait until finished, new write command locate.
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