Sabtu, 14 Februari 2015

How to bring in 1,000 Visitors Per Day Blog

The easy way to bring in 1,000 Visitors Blog Per HariApapun underlying Your blogging, I'm sure you don't want what you pour on the blog to be futile because no one read the article that you wrote. You certainly hope what you share on the blog article column can be read by many people, and the presence of visitors will also motivate you to be more active in writing.

As is so often I alluded to in a number of articles, build a blog takes time. That is, to bring organic visitor will take time. If your blog is still relatively new, what today you fit on the blog, he will not necessarily be found by readers through search engines because Your blog page rank in the SERPs are still currently under or even not in the index by search engines.

To Jack up a blog page in the SERPs position so rapidly improves, then the effort was undertaken optimization. Blog optimization refers to make greater ranking well in the search engines is known by the term SEO or Search Engine Optimization. Application of SEO or search engine optimization is an effort to speed up and strengthen the position of Your blog page is currently the top of the search results of search engines.

Read the following article:

How to optimize your blog strategy phase I
How to optimize your blog strategy phase II
How to optimize your blog strategy phase III

With regards to search engine optimization, there are certain limitations in the process of its application. Search engine optimization should not be done because it will cause excessive occurrence over optimization. A site or blog that is considered to be performing over optimization by search engine algorithms will experience a drop in rank until deindexed. It is due to the over optimization is the practice of illicit optimization that violate Policy Webmaster sebagaiaman explained in the pages of the Google Webmaster Guidelines.

Optimize your blog to do naturally, adjusting to the age of the domain, and it does not characterize the practice of spam. To combat spammers, Google continues to conduct its search engine algorithm development, and do updates periodically. Google search engine algorithms increasingly performs well over time, it is indicated with the number of weblogs that enter the Sandbox and exposed a Google Penalty.

Tips to build blog traffic is in fact already I share through a number of posts, including how many blog visitors, how to increase blog traffic with articles, How to analyze the cause of lonely blog visitors, and measuring blog traffic by keyword. And to round out the discussion of how to bring the blog traffic on the previous articles, the following tips to bring in 1,000 visitor blog per day.

Before you specify a domain name, the first thing you have to prepare is already a keyword. Keywords are the most important capital is going to be deciding how the volume of traffic to your blog in the future. How to reset the keyword to get the right keyword is discussed in my article how to reset the keyword to build a profitable blog.

After the get keyword, I assume you have already chosen a domain name and blog is finished you create. The next step is to focus on writing the article titile representing quality blog, blog description, and keywords of the blog. But before you post your first article, please make sure you use a template that already meet the criteria because of SEO template is very influential on the implementation of the on-page SEO.

The characteristics of SEO friendly template, such as:

Light (fast loads)
Have a good page structure
It does not contain duplicate scripts
The Foundation of the blog is an article, then make sure you only post quality articles. Article quality is a descriptive article, representing the blog title, blog description, keyword blog, solid, does not contain excessive keyword density, and of course provide a solution for the reader.

Write quality articles can sometimes be a difficult job, therefore choose blog themes based on your interests, for writing the corresponding interests will make you more inspirational in writing as well as making You more productive.


If your blog already contains some articles, for example article 10, then it is time to build backlinks. To be able to compete in the SERPs as backlink required links which give references. In addition as a referrer, backlinks also a voter. A growing number of voter (backlinks), then in theory semain anyway Your blog's reputation before the search engine algorithm.

The variety of ways in building backlinks is not closing the possibility will direct a blogger on the practice link bulding is wrong. Make sure you choose the best way of link building. The proper way of building backlinks is building backlinks naturally.


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