The link can be a Word, phrase, sentence, or sequence is also a drawing/photo.
The link could go to another website/blog address, into the address of your website/blog and also get on one page of the same website/blog.
Compose Methods
Type the word or phrase you want to create a link, then "block" using the mouse so that it's highlighted words or sentences.
After that click on "links" and a window will appear like below.
Text to display is a word or sentence to be made into a link.
The Web addres is the destination website address from that link. Example:
Email address is for the purpose of creating a link to send an e-mail. Example:
Send E-mail
Open this link in a new window is in the tick function to open the link in a new tab or a new window when the link at a click. Example: Click the following link to open in a new window:
Add ' rel = nofollow ' attribut is to add an attribute or additional information for these links are function provides information/information to search engines like Google to not track links in the search engines.
HTML Method
HTML method is way different to Compose method. We have to use HTML code to create a link. The code that we use are:
< a href = "url address" > Text/image to be a link </a>
The color red can you replace with your link destination.
< a href = "" > Install Link Ads </a>
It will look like this: install Link advertising
Open Links In New Tab In Browser
To open a link in a new tab/page, then we add the code "target = _blank". Example:
< a href = "url" target = "_blank" > How to change the Template in Blogger </a>
It will be like this: how to change the Template on Blogger
Perhaps the first how to make links in this Blog. Hopefully easy to understand and can help you. Thanks ....
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